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Nail Polish

can you change the colour?

When you  get your nails filled,

by Andrea Peycheva
manicure pedicure

If you have opted for acrylic nails, then you will enjoy a couple of weeks of strong and impeccable manicure.  Acryl is the most reliable and stable material for artificial nail enhancements. If you are suffering from short, weak and brittle nails, then acryl is probably your salvation. The manicure is very strong and long-lasting and you can choose from countless of designs.

You need to go for a refill every two weeks. A refill is performed when the growth gap between your natural nails and the fake one starts to be more noticeable. On average, it takes two weeks for an obvious gap to show. You should not need a refill more often than that, unless the acryl pulls your nail up and the gap seems deeper than it actually is. However, this happens rarely.

Two weeks is not such a short time to enjoy your design. You may want to go for a new colour the next time you visit your technician for a refill. When you get your nails filled, can you change the colour? The answer is yes, you can. However, it may depend sometimes. The acrylic technique consists of two layers – one base (the colour of the acryl itself) and then the actual colour of the design (single colour or a patterned design). If the acryl itself is clear and you have, let’s say, a red colour on top of it, then your technician will simply file the red off and apply a new colour. If the acryl is glitter or dark, then you will have to get a new set. With such a base the new colour will not look as smooth and will seem a little unprofessional. The good news is that dark acryl or a glittery one is not so common. Generally, you should be able to change the colour without any problems when you go for a refill. You can also alter the nails’ shape and length.


You have to get your nails filled every two weeks. This is the average amount of time that passes, before you start noticing a more visible growth gap. Always remember that acryl is the material thanks to which artificial enhancements are constructed. You nail underneath is still alive and well and does not stop growing.

 Two weeks is the average length observed in acryl users. However, everyone’s nails and body systems are different and nails may grow with various speeds. Observe your nails and take a note of the time it takes a see the growth gap more obviously. It may be longer or shorter periods for each individual before their nails are ready for a refill.


Yes, you can. Generally, you should not have any problems asking your technician to apply a brand new colour when you go for a refill. It will be more difficult to do so only, if the base of the acryl is glitter-ish or dark. However, most professionals never apply anything but clear. They know that the client may ask for a change of colour when they come back for a refill.

To make this easier to understand, here is a brief break off of the materials needed to do acrylics:


1. Prep work.

2. Application of nail tips.

3. Applications of acrylic powder.

4. Application of colour.

To begin with, your technician will do some prep work. It includes pushing back the cuticles and removing the natural shines of your nail. Some brief shaping can also be done.

Then, your manicurist will apply the nail tips, followed by the acryl powder. And this is when we are talking about a clear base. Both the nail tips and especially the base must be clear. Most brands produce only clear acryl powders, so you do not have anything to worry about, really. Besides, most technicians always apply clear powders, anyways, in case their client wants to change the colour later on.

After that, a colour of your choice is applied. When you go for a refill, your manicurist will simply file it off and apply a new one. Only in cases when the base underneath (the acrylic powder) is not clear it will be advisable to get a whole new set.


The choice of colour can be a major influence on the price of nail polish change. A simple single colour can cost between $10-$35. A blend of different colours can cost up to $120. In the UK getting acrylics typically costs between £25 - £50.


The answer to this question is simply yes. It is one of the most common requests clients have when they go for a refill. You can choose to change the shape of the nail and take the length down. What your technician will do is simply file off the edges with a ceramic electric file and bring them into the new shape.


Absolutely, yes! You can ask for a change of length, change of colour and change of shape! Don’t worry Nail technicians are used to such requests and usually expect them.


If you are planning to only get refills for as long as possible without getting a new set, have in mind a couple of things, regarding your natural nails health:



1. Look out for fungus and/or infections.

Moist is retained between the acryl and the natural nail. When it has nowhere to escape, the moist creates conditions for fungus. Look out for signs like green spots, discoloration or unusual thickening. If you observe any of these symptoms, get the acrylics removed immediately and start treating the fungus.

Also, keep an eye out for other inflammations and infections. Signs include redness, swellings and sometimes even bleeding.

2. Keep your natural nails as moisturized as possible.

Dry skin and chipping cuticles are enemy number one for a damaged manicure. Apply daily hand cream, oils or your favourite moisturizer.

3. Remember that you need a break from acrylics.

Acryl is actually quite damaging for your own nails. Have a break every couple of months and let your nails breathe freely!

To sum up, changing the colour of your acrylics when you go only for a refill is completely possible. Only make sure that the base underneath the colour is clear. Otherwise, you can change the colour always. Your manicurist is simply going to file off the old covering and apply a new one.

A fill is done every two weeks in most cases. You should not need to do it more often. Together with a brand new colour you can also request change of length and shape. All these are some of the most common requests clients have and professionals expect them. On average, a change of colour can cost between $10 and $120, depending how complex the design is. In the UK, getting acrylics costs between £25-£50, on average.

If you do not get new sets too often, keep an eye on your natural nails’ health. Watch of fungus, inflammations and infections. If left untreated, they can cause permanent damage to your nails. Always keep your skin moisturized and have a break from acrylics every couple of months.

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